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sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

[Info-Bureau] Pinoys join 25th year of Chernobyl disaster protest

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Home�>�Global Filipino�> Pinoys join 25th year of Chernobyl disaster protest

Pinoys join 25th year of Chernobyl disaster protest[1]

By Don Tagala, ABS-CBN North America News Bureau�| 04/29/2011 10:58 AM

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WOODSIDE, New York � Filipino activists in New York joined the Global Day of Action Against Nuclear Reactor Plants Tuesday.

In commemoration of the 25th year anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant disaster in Ukraine, the International League of People�s Struggle (ILPS) held a candle light vigil at the Bayanihan Center in Woodside, New York Tuesday night.
It�s meant to call attention to the multiple partial meltdowns happening at the Fukushima Nuclear Complex in Japan and to demand the protection of the Japanese people.
Yves Nibungco of Bayan USA said, �On this Global Day of Action, we are demanding that nuclear power plants are immediately shut down because these plants pose great danger to the community.�
Meantime, dozens of New York residents have been regularly holding protests at the Union Square in midtown Manhattan for the closure of what is believed to be the riskiest nuclear reactor in the country.
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission estimates the Indian Point Energy Center�s nuclear reactor number 3 in Buchanan, New York has a 1 in 10,000 chance of being damaged by an earthquake.
On top of that, the three nuclear reactors at the Indian Point Nuclear Facility rests on top of two intersecting earthquake fault lines � The Ramapo fault line.
That means, the usually crowded Times Square sitting just 40 miles away from the nuclear reactor, has the highest risk of earthquake damage. Bronx, New York is just 20 miles away.
Teresa Gutierrez of the International Action Center said, �I don�t feel safe at all, I don�t feel safe at all about having one close by. I hope the movement against the nuclear power plants will elevate, grow and get stronger and organize.�
Independent researchers showed that the Indian Point Nuclear Plant supplies about 20 to 30 percent of New York�s need to power its vast underground mass transit system, trains and millions of homes and businesses.
Closing the nuclear plant would significantly increase electricity price by an average of 25 percent and occasionally up to 130 percent in some areas.
But anti-nuke activists said the risk is greater than the benefits the nuclear reactors in New York provide.
Nibungco said, �It�s quite possible that the Indian Point Nuclear Reactor accidentally breaks down and cause a meltdown. �This would be a huge disaster that could damage and harm not only thousands but millions of people in New York and around the country.�
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said that every nuclear power plant is designed with a margin of safety beyond the strongest earthquake anticipated in that area.�
Protestors say the tragedy in Japan only underscores the dangers that nuclear power reactors pose especially when disaster strikes.
The solution, they say, is to develop and rely on safer and cleaner alternatives such as geothermal, wind or solar energy.

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as of 04/29/2011 10:58 AM

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